We’re sad to see you go! If you wish to close your account, here’s how you can do it directly on the Sarwa app:
- Log in to the Sarwa app and navigate to the "Account" section.
- Select the “Manage Account” option.
- Click on “Close an Account” to view all accounts associated with Sarwa.
- Choose the account you wish to close.
- The app will notify you if there’s a balance or fees to address before proceeding.
- Confirm your decision when prompted with the question: “Are you sure you want to close your Sarwa account?”
- If you confirm: You’ll see a success screen, and the account will be closed.
- If you cancel: You’ll return to the account list screen.
- Once closed, the account will be removed from your account list.
Important Notes and Limitations:
Account Type Restrictions:
- Single Account Holders: If you have only one Invest or Save account, you’ll need to email hello@sarwa.co to close it.
- Trade Account Only: Users with a Trade account cannot close it independently and must email hello@sarwa.co.
- Multiple Accounts: You can only self-close Invest or Save accounts, not Trade accounts, allowing flexibility in managing your accounts.
Fees and Balance Handling:
- Balance Between $-1 and $0: Fees are waived automatically, and you’ll be notified of this.
- Balance Equals Fees: If your account balance matches the accrued fees, the system will settle it, and you’ll receive confirmation.
- Balance Greater Than $1: You must withdraw funds before proceeding.
- Negative Balance Below -$1: You’ll need to deposit funds or transfer money to bring the balance to zero before closing the account.