What are Sarwa's different portfolios?

Sarwa has a few different portfolios which you can choose based on your values and risk appetite. Namely, we offer the following portfolios:

1. Conventional Portfolios (minimum $500): our conventional portfolios invest in a globally diversified portfolio of ETF's.

2. Halal Portfolios (minimum $500): Our Halal Portfolios only invest in assets that are Shariah compliant. These assets are part of the Blackrock Islamic ETFs and Franklin Global Sukuk Fund that were created by a committee that confirms they are Shariah Compliant.

3. Social Responsible Investments (SRI) Portfolios (Minimum $2500): SRI portfolios consider both financial returns and ethical investment criteria. It solely invests in assets that have positive impacts on the world and enables investors to generate returns without compromising on their values.

4. Crypto Portfolios (minimum $2500): we invest in crypto through the Greyscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), which provides exposure to bitcoin in the form of a security.

Note that only 5% of your portfolio balance would be allocated to crypto. 

You can read more details about each of our portfolio's in the portfolio section here.

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